Success Stories
Here’s what some of our patients say about Armonia Chiropractic
The mission of Armonia Chiropractic is to be a beacon of Hope and Empower every man, woman, and child to reclaim their Health through education, gentle and specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, allowing their body to be expressed to its fullest potential. So, each individual’s healing story brings so much warmth to our hearts. Check out the success stories of some of our practice members,
Gina’s Story
Knee Pain & Depression
Three years ago, Gina had knee surgery for a torn meniscus. Gina was released from physical therapy after months of care. But after care, she still had pain and was left with a limp and limited mobility that occurred for years. The pain was very severe. Surgery was needed as the tear would catch and cause her to be immobile.
Prior to receiving care from Armonia Chiropractic, she had known that chiropractic care helps many things. But Gina never had this type of chiropractic care before. She has received traditional chiropractic care before for years. Gina’s impression of Armonia Chiropractic is that the care is very different. She feels it is much easier on her body and much more affective on so many levels. Gina has also said, “Dr. Harley and Dr. Todd are so positive. Their excitement to help you is infectious.”
After only 4 months since Gina has started care with Armonia Chiropractic, she no longer has a limp or knee pain. She has overcome depression. She is sleeping better. Her headaches have subsided. Gina no longer has foot pain due to plantar fasciitis. She feels amazing mentally and physically. Gina also no longer has panic attacks that she faced for 4 years.
Not only has Gina benefited from chiropractic care, but her spouse as well for degenerative disc disease in his lower back. Gina would recommend this practice to everyone on the planet. As said in Gina’s own words, “I went in for knee pain and received my life back in ways I did not know were possible. In my body, mind, and soul.”
Daniel's Story
Daniel’s Story
Daniel came to Armonia Chiropractic struggling with migraines, lower back pain, arch pain, and sinus headaches for many years. For most of his life, Daniel has dealt with migraines and headaches at various levels from minor to severe. His lower back pain though has only been occurring for the last couple years and arch pain for a few months.
Before starting care with Armonia, Daniel was already seeing a chiropractor, but the chiropractor never used an adjustment tool. Daniel figured receiving care from Armonia Chiropractic would provide some relief for him. Since starting care with us, Daniel has experienced significant improvement in his headaches and migraines. They don’t occur as often as they used to. Anytime a headache does occur, they are less severe than they used to be. His arch pain seems to be gone and the lower back pain is a lot better. In addition, Daniel has been able to reduce taking Ibuprofen and Sumatriptan.
Not only has Daniel benefited from chiropractic care, but his wife also through her pregnancy. Daniel would recommend chiropractic to others and that everyone should at least see a chiropractor for preventative maintenance. He also would encourage everyone to get an evaluation with a chiropractor to see what’s going on in their body.
Kaylee's Story
Kaylee Harris
Lower Back Pain & Anxiety
Kaylee came to Armonia Chiropractic struggling with extreme lower back pain, limited movement, and anxiety for 7 years. It got so bad at times that she could not even get out of bed or drive due to the pain. Kaylee was diagnosed with pinched nerves, herniated discs, and degenerative discs by various doctors and neurologists. Initially, Kaylee was scared of the process and cost to begin care with Armonia Chiropractic. But, her fears went away as both the process and cost have ended up being great for her.
Kaylee’s impression of Armonia was our team being very kind, compassionate, and caring. She has nothing but great things to say about Dr. Harley, Dr. Todd, and the team. The results Kaylee has experienced since starting care with us is little to no back pain. Not only has her back pain improved, but she is also able to bend, squat, run, and lift without fear. All depression is gone and anxiety has greatly reduced.
Kaylee would recommend chiropractic care to anyone else who has been dealing with similar symptoms as her.
Daniel's Story
Daniel's Story
Daniel’s Story
After facing a traumatic car accident in 2010 and a near fatal grand mal seizure in 2011, Daniel had been facing severe migraines, head aches, neck pain, built up body ptsd, symptoms from scoliosis and twisted spine, and body being out of alignment. The migraines have been going on for 15 years and additional body aches in multiple areas. The migraines were very severe with blurred vision and effected me mentally, emotionally, and psychologically as well.
Prior to starting care with Armonia Chiropractic, for a 15 year period, Daniel went to many doctors, specialists, neurologists, and chiropractors to bring clarity of root issues and resolution. But in that period, He was just told that he would probably die or be in a wheel chair in his early to mid-twenties. He never got answers, just more questions and no resolution. until Armonia Chiropractic.
After beginning the process with Armonia Chiropractic, Daniel for the first time finally got answers to the actual root issues occuring and a care plan. Since starting care that started a little over 6 months ago, Daniel’s migraines occur less often and when they do happen are less severe. In addition, Daniel has felt improvement of sensation in his body and feels less tingly and numb throughout his body. He has also found a significant improvement in his mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological state. Daniel feels stronger, and is able to function much more effectively throughout the day. The care from Armonia’s team has also improved Daniel’s anxiety and has brought a lot of hope and encouragement in my life.
Daniel has not only benefited from Armonia Chiropractic, but his sister as well who has experienced great successes so far as well. Daniel would highly recommend Armonia Chiropractic to anyone dealing with headaches, sickness, suffering, pain. Or who has been dealing with multiple health issues and not been given clarity of the root cause behind the problem.
William’s Story
William came to Armonia Chiropractic struggling with very severe ADHD for many months. He had been treated with medication to help control ADHD prior to beginning chiropractic care with Armonia. Initially, there were concerns about getting William started on a personalized chiropractic care plan. Concerns that it was crazy and wouldn’t work.
But after beginning care with Armonia, the concerns ended up being wrong and William’s family have been amazed with the care of Armonia’s team. William has experienced a 360 change thanks to the care administered by Dr. Harley and Dr. Todd. Armonia’s personalized neurological chiropractic care plan has 100% helped William’s ADHD. William has experienced a change in his behavior especially at school. His focus and sleep have both significantly improved.
William along with his family would 100% recommend chiropractic care to anyone who is sick, suffering, in pain, struggles with ADHD.